Human Resources

Our defined e-mail address for your e-mail submissions for job applications is:
Please attach your applications as a Word Document or Acrobat Reader file (PDF).
Note: Applications without a passport photo will not be evaluated.
Our HR Policy:
Our employee profile consists of a team that is expert in their profession, has advanced social competence, is highly committed and motivated to the company, and is willing to learn, improve themselves and create added value.
Selection and Placement Process;
Our company's selection and placement process is carried out with the principle of equal opportunity to meet personnel needs.
Direct applications from our website, internet and newspaper advertisements, career days, consultancy companies, etc. There are many resume procurement alternatives.
Applications are evaluated using scientific and modern selection methods such as competency-based interviews and personality tests.
Our company allocates serious resources to training and supports the participation of its employees in all kinds of learning activities that will ensure their development.

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